Saturday, February 20, 2010

Character Expansion

I apologize for the post being weird....I don't know why it formatted like this.

Title Ideas:

Cover Up



Character 1:


On her knees

[possible masks as costume]

Desperate for someone to prove her wrong

At the end of her rope

Too many failed relationships

Too many second place finishes

She’s been lied to and used

She trusts too easily, therefore she has been hurt

She is a romantic; a poet; a dreamer

She lives in books and stories

She doesn’t want to give up, but she sees no other way out

No one knows how hurt she is because she wears a mask for her friends

This character will have a dance number, performed on her knees

[her pain is hidden by the mask that she puts on]

She wants someone to be genuine towards her, expecting nothing in return

Character 2:


Standing, facing the audience

He stands in a very defensive stance

He is “arguing” or “explaining” to God that he doesn’t know what to believe


When he asks questions, his family and mentors scold him

The books he has read and the lessons he has been taught by professors has made

him question what he has been told

Now he is trying to figure things out on his own but he is looked down upon for


He will perform his dialogue towards the ceiling

This characters dialogue may possibly be presented in Shakespearean dialect.

[he hides his anguish and confusion with a good, Christian boy attitude; he does

the routine and says the right things; he never questioned anything; he just took

everything he was told as truth.]

He wants someone to tell him that it’s alright to ask questions and that one

day, there will be an answer

Character 3:


[actor must have long hair]

Standing, with their back towards the audience

He suffers from self-destruction in the form of cutting.

His dialogue will be presented as spoken word poetry

He has been ignored his entire life

His family ignores him because he is “different” from them

No one at his school seems to notice him

He has never felt or understood love, therefore religion has no interest to him

He feels alone

He does not feel abandoned because he has never felt wanted before

He has never been made fun of or hurt by others, he’s just never been noticed

He cuts so that he can feel a different kind of hurt than emotional

His heart can’t take any more pain, so he transfers that pain to his physical body

[his pain is hidden within his words that he shares with no one]

He wants someone to smile at him, so that he knows he does exist outside of

his own head

Character 4:


Begins sitting in a chair with his head in his hands.

He ends lying face down on the floor, as if he has jumped from a window or


This character will never speak. All of his dialogue will be presented as film noir

by an offstage voice accompanied by dark jazz music and the sound of rain

He is a “Jesus” like character or martyr

His purpose is to make others happy

He is drawn to those suffering, publicly or privately

He can sense their pain and knows what they need

For the moment that he offers that comfort that others need, he takes the pain that

they feel and suffers for them

So for one hour or one day, those who normally know nothing of pain, can

breathe and smile for possibly the first time in years

On this certain day, he encounters 3 different people with 3 different types of pain

His burden becomes so heavy, that he cannot bare it for even a day

He takes his own life, in order to rid those 3, that he has met, of their pain, so that

they may have a better life


Sometimes, we are all so wrapped up in our own problems that we forget to acknowledge the suffering of others. If we would just stop for one day, worrying about ourselves and look out, we may see someone screaming out to us. Sometimes, a smile, a hello, a helping hand, and kind word is all it takes to turn someone’s life around. Sometimes, the person who makes a difference in our life is the same person who needs our help in return. But again, we’re all so consumed with our own lives and problems, we often times never return such a simple, yet life-altering favor.

Structure of the Play

They begin by telling of their suffering, in their own different way, and how they have masked it. Then, they tell of their encounter with a stranger one-day. Lastly, they express how that one encounter changed the way they thought about themselves. The 4th character explains his 1) purpose in life, then 2) his encounter with each person, then 3) his consumption and death for their pains.

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